Cybersecurity isn’t a journey you can embark on without directions. You need a roadmap from an expert guide.

Cheryl Blasnek is the Vice President of IT Services at One Step Secure IT and is an expert in the field with 30+ years' experience. She knows how to keep a company's technology running efficiently while keeping them secure from cyber threats.

How did Cheryl get on the Technology Path?

When did you first take an interest in technology? I remember in the 80’s learning to write Excel formulas so I could take the company I worked for to digital instead of paper. When I finished that project and saw the profound effect it had on our company in terms of streamlining, productivity, efficiency, etc., I was hooked on technology.

What’s your role at One Step? I am the Vice President of One Step Secure IT which is the IT/IS arm of the company. We work with businesses with 2 goals in mind: keep them as technologically secure as possible and help their employees be as productive as possible.

How long have you worked at One Step? I have worked at One Step since 2012. I started doing projects as an independent contractor before becoming a full-time employee.

What do you enjoy about your work? I enjoy the fact that One Step is always transitioning…a totally smart thing to do to adjust to the changing world around us. This means as an employee, there’s always something new to do, to learn.

Advice From the Security Expert

Cheryl has shared her Roadmap to Cybersecurity, providing you with expert recommendations for how to ramp up your business’ security strategy.

Roadmap to IT and Cybersecurity Graphic


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